Curated by Boaz Arad
Jan 9, 2011
Alaska School - Midrasha Gallery
Articles and reviews about the exhibition: Noga Schatz, Shahar Yahalom and myself in a trio exhibition with individual and joint works...

Curators: Boaz Arad
Dec 22, 2010
Midrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv - Alaska School
​Noga Schatz, Shahar Yahalom and myself in a trio exhibition with individual and joint work. ​http://www.beitberl.ac.il/academic/art/exhb...

curated by Waffelfisch
Dec 10, 2010
Centrum Berlin - Spatial Relations
Berliners, you are very much invited to this wonderful exhibition were my video "Plain-Air" will be screened. http://www.centrumberlin.co...

curated by Sagi Refael
Oct 31, 2010
Sweat Dreams - Artists House, Tel Aviv-Jaffa
I'll be showing "City Sacrifice", 2008 ​http://sagirefael.carbonmade.com/www.artisthouse.co.il #exhibition

curated by Aya Luria
Oct 3, 2010
POV Photography festival - Last summer -Tel Aviv-Jaffa
#exhibition #festival

curated by Yifat Giladi and Yael Keinan​
Jun 9, 2010
​​0h God! - Hanina Gallery, Tel Aviv-Jaffa ​
​I'll be showing one of my favorite photographs; "untitled" (pig head) http://www.hanina.org/ #exhibition

curated by Anna Bershtansky and Reuven Kuperman
Apr 16, 2010
SexSin - The Spaceship at Hayarkon 70, Tel Aviv

Curators: Noa Ben-Shalom
Apr 11, 2010
Midrasha Photography Department Gallery - Nayad
Noa Ben Shalom curated a Poetic Cell Phone Photography exhibition.exhibiting my self, with a personal series of 30 cell phone...

Curators: Arye Franco and Xavier Garcia Puerto
Apr 5, 2010
Shay Arye Gallery​ - Longing
​"Shay arye gallery in colabration with Cervantes Institute presenting new project that shows a "screen dialogue" between Spanish and...

Curated by Marie Shek
Dec 1, 2009
Forum des Images - Paradoxes: Moments in Motion - Paris
#exhibition #videoscreening

Curated by Liav Mizrahi
Nov 19, 2009

curated by Aya Luria
Oct 3, 2009
POV Photography festival -Last summer - press
http://www.nrg.co.il/online/47/ART1/948/190.html #exhibition #festival